  • 酿酒大师艺术馆
    面积 2100㎡ Area 2100m2 风格 当代工业风 Style Modern Industrial Style 地址 北京玉泉路2号 Address Beijing NO.2 Yuquan Road 9大空间/ Nine spaces: 酿酒大师工作室•场景Brewmaster Studio •Scene (1) 面积 75㎡ Area 75㎡ 风格以中国白酒&黄酒酿造工艺为主题,从粮开始,用枯山水的艺术形式、将酿造之路从无到有不为人知的故事,艺术的娓娓道来。 Style: With the theme of Chinese Liquor & Yellow Wine brewing technique, starting with rice, and with the art form of Karesansui,it’s told unbeknown story of brewing road from scratchartistically. 酿酒大师工作室•场景(二)Brewmaster Studio • Scene (2) 面积 75㎡Area 75㎡ 风格从世界顶级橡木桶开始,葡萄酒的生命之旅在这里绽放。 Style:Started from world top oak barrel, the journey of wine life is blooming here. 发布大厅 Conference Hall 面积 285㎡ Area 285㎡ 风格延续酿造工业风格,宽敞且明亮,中控室与多变化舞台满足所有艺术形式的展现 Style: It’s the continuation of the style of the brewing industry, spacious and bright. The central control room and multi-changed stage meet all forms of art show. 功能小剧场\\发布会\\秀等各种艺术演艺展示 Function: Little Theater\\ Conference\\ Show and other various performing arts shows 鸡尾酒吧 Cocktail Bar 面积 390㎡ Area 390㎡ 风格特殊时期遗留下来的巨大发酵罐,如今幻变为情景社交之中的焦点,红色的升腾与工业风的冷静相得益彰,多功能区域,既能满足日常小聚、也是举办定制Party的精彩空间 Style: This huge fermentation tank left over by special period, now magically became the focus among social scene, with risingred color and cool industry style bringing out the best of each other. Multi-region, not onlyis the daily gathering space, but also isthe wonderful space for custom Party. 功能 Party\\下午茶\\商务小聚\\品鉴会等 Function: Party\\ Afternoon Tea\\ small-size business conference\\Tasting, etc. 二楼包厢 The second floor balcony 面积 15㎡*4 Area 15㎡*4 风格最特别的私密空间,后工业风的私属领地,安逸且舒服 Style The most special private space, post-industry style private demesne, cozy and comfortable. 功能商务洽谈\\发布会专访\\私密聚会等 Function:Business Negotiations\\ Conference Interview\\ Private Party, etc. 展区Exhibition Area 面积 588㎡ Area 588㎡ 风格迂回的展线不断的诉说着着老工业时代的斑驳故事,时间与空间在这里交融,任何一件展品在这里瞬间都变成了艺术精灵 Style Circuitous exhibition lines constantly tell the mottled story of the old industrial age, time and space blending in here, any one of the exhibits here haveinstantly become an artistic spirit. 功能艺术品展示\\品牌展示等 Function: Artworks Display \\ Brand Show, etc. 私享宴 Private Banquet 面积 155㎡ Area 155㎡ 风格一个大师级人群汇聚的地方,“私属&分享”是这里的主题词,灵感与新的思路在这里碰撞,珍贵而稀有的资源在这里重新组合而带来新的机会 Style: It’s aplace of master crowd gathering, where \"private& sharing” are the topic, inspiration and new ideas is in collision, precious and scarce resources are recombining which can bring new opportunities. 功能一桌盛宴 Function: A table of feast 茶室 Tea Room 面积 38㎡ Area 38㎡ 风格亭柱的残破与一水之隔的金属感,那是顺势而为的杰作,就像这杯来自武夷山的岩茶,淡泊之中,毫无违和,只有惊喜。 Style The broken pavilion pillars and metal feeling separated by a strip of water, are the masterpieces which was developed by natural, like Wuyi RockTea, among the indifferent, there is no violation, only surprises. 功能Function 储酒银行Wine Storage Bank 面积 78㎡*2 Area 78㎡*2 风格是藏酒之地,也是两扇巨大的橱窗,好酒不只可以用味蕾来品,更需用眼去观 Style It is wine storage place, as well as two huge windows. Good wine not only can be tasted bytaste buds, but also need to be observed by eyes. 功能名人、明星藏酒\\慈善拍卖藏酒\\世界顶级大师限量藏酒等 Function Celebrities Wine Storage \\ Charity Auction Wine Storage \\ World Top Masters Limited Wine Storage, etc. 多功能视觉体验区 Multifunction Visual Experience Zone 面积 175㎡ Area 175㎡ 风格挑高9米,与展区、酒吧区相连,既是大师的影像专区,也是属于所有人的体验空间 Style 9 meters high, connected with the exhibition area and bar area, it is the master’s camera shooting area, as well as all people’s experience space. 功能装置艺术展\\影像展\\视觉体验区等 Function Installation Art Exhibition \\ Photography Exhibition \\ Visual Experience Zones,etc 微观展室Microscopic Showroom 面积6㎡*21Area6㎡*21 风格所有凝结大师心血的作品都值得你弯下腰去“观看”,我们叫它“弯腰展”,不言而喻,这是对工匠精神醉致敬的观展。 Style All master\'s works which are the result of their painstaking efforts are worthy bend down to \"watching\",which is called\"Bending Exhibition\". Needless to say, this is anexhibition of paying a tribute to craftsman\'s spirit. 功能微观艺术品\\奢侈品展 Function:Microscopic Artworks \\ Luxuries Exhibition 视觉通道 Visual Channel 面积 46㎡Area 46㎡ 风格在两侧最原始的夯土墙用与九连屏相融,即向酿造之中的土地致敬,也向无限精彩的未来 Style The most original loam wall on both sides integrated with the Nine Screen, tribute to the brewing land, but also to the infinite wonderful future. 功能视觉艺术体验 Function: Visual Arts Experience...
    会议室 5间 
    最大会场 588m²
    客房 -
  • 北京琥扑轰趴馆
    琥扑轰趴是一家适于全年龄段的轰趴馆,不仅具备轰趴馆丰富的功能性,同时坐享优美恬静的自然风光。 600平米的会所包含东、西两个主要区域。西侧是一处私密空间,由高级VIP私厨餐厅和多功能会议室组成,不管是小聚宴请还是商务洽谈均可满足您对环境、食物和服务的最高要求。私厨餐厅聘请顶级私厨,同时精选上好食材,为每位食客呈现不仅可以满足味蕾的精致享宴。多功能会议室可以进行私密的商务洽谈,还可以进行棋牌娱乐。 东侧是琥扑轰趴馆主要的活动空间,一个可容纳40~60人的大厅搭配一个面山观水的巨型露台,宜动宜静,既可以品茗乐水,又可以把酒言欢,既可以私人派对,又可以团建会议。 琥扑轰趴馆能够同时提供中餐、西餐和下午茶。琥扑轰趴馆对于餐品的要求始终保持很高的要求,从食材的采购,到食品的加工,层层把关,保证呈现在客人面前的食品卫生、美味、健康。 东区配备丰富的娱乐设备,可以在茶余饭后,放松身心。桌球区、街机娱乐区、电脑娱乐区、棋牌区、桌游区、影音区、还有可同时接纳30余人的豪华kvt场地、会议区、日式榻榻米休息区。不仅如此,琥扑轰趴馆的一层是国内最大的室内卡丁车场,急速飙车,体验F1赛车的畅快感受。...
    场地方正 自然采光
    会议室 2间 
    最大会场 600m²
    客房 -


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